Quando O GRINGO nos apresentou essa proposta, de dar tridimensionalidade ao plano do azulejo sendo que essa tridimensionalidade seria apresentado sobre um rosto feminino, achei que de fato essa ideia era muito interessante. Ela vai buscar a noção da escultura barroca, essa ideia dos palácios Estuque em madeira e E essa relação da tridimensionalidade do rosto e alguns segmentos da azulejaria juntamente com essa quadrícula da azulejaria portuguesa, tornam essas peças extraordinárias. Essa peça que aqui está apresentada em dourado , nos faz pensar a arte barroca e que combinada com a nossa azulejaria azul e branca do século XVIII nos faz pensar a expressão portuguesa : OURO SOBRE AZUL, como sinal da perfeição .
Dr ALEXANDRE PAES - Director of the national tile museum in lisbon
This work by O Gringo is very curious, because once again it is an inspiration that comes from tiles. And we have here a very interesting matrix that is tiles from the 18th century from the Baroque period. Here we will cross several references to tiles from that period. What do we have here ? We have a motif that we call CARANTONHAS, which is this type of mask that appears a lot in architecture and that will later be transferred and updated to the tiles, especially in terms of frames and decoration and O Gringo will remove it and materialize it with the illusion of three-dimensionality and then he will do something very curious, which with the tile pattern and then he will apply the gilded carving. Baroque and Portuguese baroque tiles are characterized by combining gold with the blue of the tile, which characterizes this expression of gold over blue, which perhaps has its origins there. Which is how two things come together perfectly... and Gringo mixed all of this in a unique way, using modern materials and once again transporting this idea from the 18th century to the 20th century.
Dora Fernandes - Exhibition curator
100 cm x 65 cm x 30 cm
100 cm x 65 cm x 30 cm
Red gloss
100 cm x 65 cm x 30 cm
100 cm x 65 cm x 30 cm
100 cm x 65 cm x 30 cm
100 cm x 65 cm x 30 cm